Thursday, June 24, 2010

• it's a blowin' colder now!

At the end of May we got a new air conditioning unit! Hooray! We've been talking to my dad since we bought our place about making a replacement. The time finally came- not only monetarily but weather-wise too!

When you get engaged and start planning your wedding every book (and person) in town tells you to use all the contacts you have to save money. Luckily my dad is our a/c contact! Waaay back in the day (before I was born) my dad went to a trade school for air conditioning. Living in AZ means he is definitely a wanted man! Growing up he did a/c work on the side for friends, neighbors, and family. Nowadays he just does it for family (me, thank goodness!) and maybe the occasional good friend. Anyway- my dad is just altogether super handy. So, instead of new a/c unit costing us a fortune, it just took a bit less out of our bank accounts.

I couldn't take the day off from work so David stayed home and documented (pics and video) the replacement and even helped quite a bit!

Geez-Louise that unit has seen better days! This picture makes me laugh because it looks like my dad is pushing the unit off to the side with one arm. Go dad!

He brought over the new unit on his trailer early that morning. David and my dad had lots of work to do before the new unit went up on the roof. They went up to scrape and cut back all the foam that helps insulate. Right on time, they got finished and the crane guy showed up to take the old unit off and haul the new one up!

The guy putting the old unit on the truck showed up right with the crane and hauled our old unit away. One less thing to worry about! My dad told us that he's been places where they just leave the old unit up on the roof instead of taking it dumb!

Once the new unit was up on the roof the real fun began! Fitting it together with the flashing piece (I hope that's right!) and refoaming everything. Plus, the water line and electrical panel were on the opposite sides of where the old ones were...lots of adjustments to make! David told me they only had to make a couple trips to Lowe's- that's pretty good in my book!

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