Sunday, May 29, 2011

• falling down on the job

I realize I haven't done the best job these past few months with updating our blog. Sorry! Reason one- being so busy with our new company we've started. Reason two- I haven't made the blog a priority. I will try to work on that!

It seems like almost every weekend for the past few months have been filled with our newest business endeavor- letterpress! But, we have had a few spare moments to work on our medicine cabinets in the upstairs bathroom. Our master bathroom has been finished for a while - see older posts - but our second bathroom upstairs was a-waitin'!

Our second bathroom had some issues so it took a bit longer to finish. The hole where the old cabinet resided was too big for our newest piece so we had to patch the wall with a new drywall piece, spackle it, add texture, and paint it. As I type this it sounds like it would take, oh half-an-hour or so- not true! We had to use a ton of spackle so drying alone took about two days. But, man-oh-man does it look lovely!

Ta-da! A few more finishing touches in the bathrooms and we can call it a day! Yippee!


  1. This looks great, but maybe the next project should be a toilet roll holder:) Don't get me wrong I too will leave the toilet paper on the back of the toilet.

  2. That has been on my project list for-ev-er! Sometimes it's the little things that take the longest to mark off.

  3. Sure it has Katie, I totally believe you:)

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