Tuesday, July 7, 2009

• day 5

Baseboards in the birdhouse were taken out the day before. Time to vacuum up the debris between the wall and the tack strips- at least upstairs! George (our handyman) was downstairs working on installing the electrical boxes and wire for our (soon to be bought and hung) ceiling fan and dining room light. The previous owners had ceiling fans in the two areas but the fans had a long cord strung across each ceiling that plugged directly into the wall.

We didn't want to get in George's way so we worked upstairs on different projects. The lovely laminate flooring in the bathrooms ripped out easily- considering there were two layers of laminate! Too bad it didn't leave the plywood underneath nice! Ewww, gross!

David decided to keep going in the master bath by taking out the plastic shower walls and door frame. Next, we will have to take out the shower base! New plywood will have to go down on the floor and then backerboard so tile can be installed.

Cyndie came over to help too! She helped vacuum up debris and slide junk down the stairs to be taken outside. We're so thankful to everyone who has given up their time to help us with our construction!

1 comment:

  1. So is this pad going to be on VRBO in October? We're coming in town for a visit. I wish I could help (er, learn from!!) with your project!


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