Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hi ho, Hi ho!

Two weekends ago we got out our Christmas decorations out and put up our Christmas tree we bought the year before for $20! We might put lights up outside the birdhouse; we'll see.

The day started with David trimming the bushes in the front. The HOA takes care of trimming but doesn't do shaping. So, the bushes have grown out of control. All the landscaper guys do is trim them down every other month; we wanted them majorly cut back. Last weekend we borrowed some hedge trimmers from my mom, and then ended up also getting some loppers (that's what Lowe's called them) and a small rake today. I started cleaning up around the birdhouse and doing some laundry. I couldn't resist- I went outside and helped David start devouring the bushes with the tools. There was so much dead undergrowth that the bushes now look like 4 small starting plants. That's okay- they'll grow back and hopefully look better too!

We also finally caulked the downstairs sinks- kitchen and bathroom. It didn't take us long to do; we've just been putting it off for some reason. Check that off our list. Yes!

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I bought some pots and pans, and corningware. That was the easy part. The hard part is finding a place to put all these items. I bought the kitchenware because we had a pan here, a pot there. We decided that instead of using our last cabinet for the trash roll-out as we originally intended, we'd put in a dual basket pull-out. We bought it today and installed it in no time.

Now all our pots & pans fit on those two shelves. Hooray! I actually got David to help me organize the rest of the items in the kitchen before he settled in for some football.

Our next two big items are to tackle the baseboards- buy them, install them- and finish the downstairs bathroom open pocket door. I'm hoping we can take care of buying the baseboards this week.

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