Sunday, April 11, 2010

• We know, we know...

We know our birdhouse to-do list is super long.
We know we need to install the baseboards upstairs.
We know we need to paint the upstairs bathroom and hallway ceilings.
We know we need to paint the baseboards downstairs.
We know we need to start working on the bathroom downstairs.
We know we need to finish the open pocket door.
We know we need to install the quarter-round in the kitchen.
We know we need to get new windows.
We know we need to put a door handle on the front screen door.
We know we need to get a new air conditioner.
We know we need to get the light working in the storage room out back.
We know we need to get a new french door.
But...we decided to plant a garden instead!

While everyone else we knew were spending time with family, eating lots of ham, and going to church, David and I decided Easter Sunday was the day to be outside planting a flower garden! Call it divine inspiration! We actually started on Friday afternoon pulling weeds and getting the soil in tip-top shape. All the rain we've recently had did a wonder on our sliver of a dirt area in the back.

Saturday we were busy with a photobooth gig, which led us to Sunday. David and I had a general idea of what we wanted- plants- but that was about it. We spent a considerable amount of time wandering around Home Depot looking at plants and deciding what would work best and be the easiest to maintain. Finally we picked out verbena, salvia, snapdragons, and one other plant type I can't remember! Plus, we got a new hose and hose hanger. After we opened up the drip system kit we bought earlier we realized we needed more t's and drippers- so off to Lowe's it was!

The hardest part was digging up the ground where we were installing our main drip line. After that- piece o' cake! David punched holes in the main drip line and I followed up measuring, cutting, and installing the 1/4" line for the actual drippers. Back went all the soil to cover up the line and then dig more holes to plant the new plants!

All in all- not a bad looking garden I must say! We started about 3:00 and finished up just after the sun was going down. Of course, after we cleaned most of the items up we realized we needed to install the hose hanger. It actually didn't take us long- I held the flashlight, while David drilled the holes and attached the hanger.

Monday early evening David planted the three other plants over near the palm tree. Plus, he had to take back the first hose we bought because it was crap! So, we spent the extra money and bought a good hose that works great. David also ended up buying a few new spray nozzles too.

So far, the plants seem to be holding up well. We're a little befuddled with the snapdragons right now though. In the afternoon their leaves are droopy, so we thought it might be too hot- we planted them under our kitchen window where they're slightly shaded during the main part of the day. They do get afternoon sun though. But, we see snapdragons out in the sun all day and they look great. Now we're thinking maybe they're still adjusting. Who knows?! I guess we'll see.

So- now our backyard is getting there and we still have quite the list to do indoors. Maybe next weekend we'll go buy some patio furniture so we can sit outside and admire our garden instead of working on the inside list!

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