Sunday, May 9, 2010

• it's getting warmer!!

I love being outdoors! Now that we have this great garden going it's been really hard not being able to enjoy our back patio. We have no patio furniture just yet...but we're workin' on it! I can't wait to have some chairs, a table, and an umbrella and just sit outside and enjoy the day! Until then we'll just enjoy walking past our flower beds!

Our priority has become our ancient air conditioner. It's not old enough to make it into a museum just yet, but it's still old. Last weekend David and I went up on the roof with my dad - not super easy to do by the way! He was actually going up for a purpose- measurements, etc. while David and I were just curious to see the roof. We found a ton of crap up on our roof. Since we live in a townhouse our roof is just one long piece over everyone's place. Other people have had air conditioners replaced, satellite dishes installed, etc. but some of these people just left stuff behind. Being the anal retentive people we are, David and I went around and picked up old pipe pieces, palm tree fronds, etc. and threw them over into our front yard to throw away.

Since we moved in here the lightswitch in our storage shed has not worked. The carport light has never worked either. Well, since my dad was already here we decided to ask him about it. David had found a wire just sitting inside the fuse box not connected to anywhere. My dad switched a few wires around to other breakers and...wa-la! Now the storage light and carport light work! Hooray! Thanks dad! We're glad you're so handy!!

After our Mother's Day brunch with my mom (and family) David and I headed home to do some work. David worked on his RC car, while I learned how to use some new animation software on the computer. Next on the daily list- head to an early Mother's Day dinner with David's folks! We are so geeky I know!

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